Welcome to the CHADIS Program
1. What is “CHADIS”
CHADIS is an online system that delivers questionnaires that help your doctor review the health and development of your child. Using CHADIS before the visit will help us take better care of your child.
2. What is the goal of the questionnaires?
Your doctor uses developmental questionnaires to examine if your child is developing on schedule. These questions can help detect issues early, before some signs are present. When issues are caught early, children receive help earlier; and treatment is often more effective. The system permits the use of questionnaires addressing other health and safety issues as well.
3. When should I use “CHADIS”?
As we begin this process, we will be using CHADIS primarily for some of our early childhood visits. Once you register, CHADIS will send you an email reminder to complete the appropriate questionnaire before your visit.
4. How do I get started?
You can get started by registering at www.chadis.com. Your doctor’s office will provide you with a registration letter and an invitation code. The code is the phone number of your doctor’s office.
5. Who has access to this information?
Only your doctor and the staff in the office has access to your information. You will have a personal username and password to access the CHADIS questionnaires.
6. Can I register more than one child on my account?
You may register all of your children under your account. Please look for the “Back to My Children” and “Enroll Another Child” buttons once you login to CHADIS.
7. Who can help me with technical issues?
CHADIS has a toll-free technical assistance line. Please call (888)424-2347 Ext. 12.
8. How can I learn more about “CHADIS”?
You may learn more about CHADIS by going to www.chadis.com and clicking on the “For Families” tab