by Dr. Jeffrey Jennings | Sep 22, 2015 | Flu Shots
We are getting many phone calls about flu vaccine. Here’s the story: As of 2 years ago, the state took over the supply of most pediatric flu vaccine. Unfortunately, the state has experienced delays in sending out flu shots this year, so we have not received... by Dr. Jeffrey Jennings | Sep 5, 2015 | General Pediatrics
A professional colleague recently gave me permission to share this story: Her children were visiting their grandparents when one child developed a fever. The grandmother properly reached for the Junior Motrin bottle and, following the directions on the package, gave... by Dr. Jeffrey Jennings | Sep 3, 2015 | Administration
We have made it through a long summer here at PMOW, and we want to thank everyone who may have waited longer than usual. Waiting at doctor’s offices is a perennial problem with many causes, but the recent addition of computerized medical records has slowed...