Avoid Acetaminophen Dosing Errors

Parent should be aware that manufacturers are phasing out the more concentrated infant acetaminophen formulations.  For now, both children’s and infant products can still be found, so please be careful to avoid dosing errors by checking the concentration before...

Saturday PE’s!!

Over the years we have been asked about this many times and, as a result, we will begin offering Saturday physical exams on a limited basis beginning in November 2011.  We are hopeful that, if these sessions are successful, it will become a useful option for our...

TV and Sleep Problems

We spend a lot of time talking about sleep problems in children. One problem that comes up again and again is television. This month another study was published in Pediatrics demonstrating the associations between TV and sleep problems in children. This study focused...

Don’t Forget The Sunscreen

With summer approaching, we are often asked about sunscreen and sun exposure in children.   Here are a few things to keep in mind: •Avoid prolonged direct sun exposure in children younger than 6 months old.   Whenever possible, rely on available shade to protect them...